Lojas Renner S.A CLOSE X


We understand that circularity is a fundamental path to sustainability, so we think about more sustainable origins and destinations for our products even before manufacturing them.

We work to expand the circular economy concept to different stages of our business life cycle with an integrated approach to sustainability, from store environment to products and raw materials.

Among our initiatives are the Ecostilo program of reverse logistics for packaging and bottles of cosmetics and for clothing, the incorporation of principles of circularity in the construction and renovation of our stores, the development of responsible raw materials and collections with items that have some attribute of sustainability.

Imagem de uma mulher interagindo com o móvel de coleta de embalagens na loja Renner

Ecoestilo: reverse logistics service for customers

We started Renner’s Reverse Logistics program in 2011, for perfumery and beauty packaging and bottles, and in 2017 for clothing.

Today, Renner offers collection points, called Ecoestilo, in more than 330 stores throughout Brazil. Our customers and employees can go to a participating store and dispose of their clothes or their empty perfume bottles and packaging – bought at Renner stores or not.

The packages discarded in the Ecoestilo collector are collected and forwarded to a Renner partner that gives them an environmentally appropriate destination.

What to dispose in
Ecoestilo perfumery?

PACKAGES: perfume and cosmetic boxes, gift paper, gift box, decorative ribbons, and paper or plastic bags

VIALS: perfume, shampoo, conditioner, creams, liquid soap, nail polish, deodorant, makeup (empty or not)

What to dispose in
Ecoestilo clothing?

Used clothes

Clothes that are useless

Clothes of any brand (not only Renner, Youcom and

Clean clothes

Ecoestilo's path

More sustainable destinations for packaging and vials

In 2021, it was 48.3 tons, adding up to more than 198 tons, since the beginning of the program, with the environmentally correct disposal. The perfumery and cosmetic packages collected can have one of the following destinations:
– sorting and separation by type of material (plastic, paper, glass, metal) and disposal for recycling
– liquid waste and/or contaminated packaging, without having the possibility of recycling, are forwarded to landfills properly licensed.

More sustainable destinations
for clothing

Em 2021, foram 5,6 toneladas de peças coletadas, somando, aproximadamente, 10,9 toneladas desde 2017, que foram destinadas para reciclagem, por meio da desfibragem, reutilização ou doação.

Os resíduos coletados recebem a destinação ambientalmente correta, evitando a contaminação do meio ambiente. Em 2021, evitamos a geração de mais de 830 quilos de resíduos têxteis, reinserindo-os no ciclo produtivo, que deram origem às coleções Re Jeans e Re Malha.;

Check out the stores that already have the Ecoestilo collector:

Click to enlarge map and browse.

Circular store

In 2021, we inaugurated Brazil’s first circular retail store, in Rio de Janeiro, which aligns circularity with digital transformation to create a unique customer experience, with the best choice of resources to reduce environmental impact from design to operation.

Click here to access the virtual tour of the circular store
Imagem em um ambiente interno de uma loja com dois móveis coletores de embalagens e roupas para reciclagem

Circular Store in numbers



less materials discarded in construction


tons of structural steel saved


liters of water saved per year


low impact renewable energy


of the lamps in LED


kilograms of CO₂ released into the atmosphere

Imagem de um ambiente interno de uma loja com araras de roupas

Circular Store in numbers



estimated reduction in global warming potential


of the volume of waste reused or recycled during the work


reduction in waste generation*


low impact renewable energy with greater energy efficiency


people trained through actions in the community


reduction in water consumption*

*comparative figures to a model store of Renner's current standard

Imagem em ambiente interno de uma loja com araras de roupas

Another relevant issue is prioritizing the customer experience and encouraging conscious consumption. In these stores we have the collection points of Ecoestilo, our reverse logistics program, as well as activation points for the online second hand shop Repassa and the SOS Costura application. In them, we also highlight products from the Re – Responsible Fashion seal.

Repassa Platform

We are promoting the extension of the useful life of clothes through incentive to conscious consumption. Repassa is a digital native platform for resale of clothing and accessories. In 2021, after a successful partnership in 2020 and with a lot of buy-in from our customers we made the acquisition of Repassa.

Circularity in our operation

With the Produção + Limpa 4.0 Program of Lojas Renner S.A., we promote the reduction of waste generation in the productive process and the reinsertion of waste in the productive chain.

In the creation of some of our collections, we use the upcycling technique to avoid the waste of materials, making pieces made by creatively reusing raw materials that would otherwise be discarded, using the surplus of existing fabrics to create new products.

As for reducing waste, we take special care with quality, adapting products to the best international practices and contributing with a model that extends their life cycle. We perform quality inspections and use technology for predictive analytics and assortment decisions based on data and artificial intelligence to produce as close to what is needed to serve our customers.

Environmental Management in operations

We have environmental management that covers 100% of our operations, which aims to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and the taking of corrective actions to stimulate the continuous improvement of our processes and the monitoring of indicators.

Our operation’s environmental management system is verified through internal and external audits. Currently, 67% of our operations are audited internally by Renner’s team of socio-environmental compliance auditors and 33% are audited by third parties with external suppliers.

In 2023, our goal is to certify one of our Distribution Centers, based on the requirements of the NBR ISO 14001 Standard, and, for the other Distribution Centers, to carry out third-party audits.

Waste Management

Solid waste management at Lojas Renner S.A. focuses on avoiding waste, reducing the volume of waste generated and ensuring correct separation, handling, packaging and final disposal, avoiding contamination and encouraging its reinsertion into the production cycle based on recycling, being 100% adherent to the National Solid Waste Policy.

We achieved our 2022 recycling target, which was 92%, reaching 92.71%, and for 2023, we maintained the target and set the goal of gradually seeking to achieve zero landfill at the DCs.