Lojas Renner S.A CLOSE X

Circuit program
Who are we?

With collaboration as the essence, all actions of the program are thought, planned and executed by our employees, together with various market partners, whether companies, students, professors, universities or communities.

Have you thought about us creating something together? Then access the link to be part of the Circuit Program.

Imagem de um frame de um vídeo mostrando a divulgação de programas de formação e cursos

Have you ever thought about creating something together? Then access the link to be part of the Circuit Program.

Be part of it

Who can participate?


Together, we’ve created several opportunities for interaction with amazing people who stand out within their area of knowledge, whether at content sharing events, in ideas acceleration immersions, or in talent training programs.
Our greatest result is to collaborate with the evolution of participants and encourage the development of their careers

Successful projects

Through our actions we have already generated a great impact for our partners, for the talents involved and also for our own ecosystem. There are no limits to what we can think together!

Fly girl – A Realize initiative that aims to offer microcredit and training so that microenterprises can formalize and evolve their businesses.

Retail play – is our lab for attracting and accelerating talents who identify with the day-to-day work in our stores

Data training program – is an experience that will promote an immersion in the most current topics on the market, through a quick training in information technology and data science